Become part of our community!

We provide award-winning, diverse programming only because of the hard work, enthusiasm, and time donated by our dedicated volunteers. Joining our volunteer program is a great way to get involved at the CSC, connect with Lake Champlain, and earn free rental hours! There is a lot of work to do, but there is no sailing experience required. Volunteer projects vary greatly and seasonally, but there is always year-round work to be done!

Types of work:

  • Weekend rental assistance
  • Facility & grounds maintenance and upkeep
  • Seasonal preparation and winterization
  • Building projects and construction
  • Open house and special events
  • Community outreach events, such as camp fairs and festivals
  • Other: If you’ve got talents not listed here such as professional skills in photography or videography, please contact us today so we can get you involved!
  • For questions, or more information, contact Office Manager, Tilly Ettlinger at or call (802) 864-2499.

There are two ways to volunteer:  Volunteer Program and the Mates Program

Volunteer Program


 Attend any/all shifts you sign up for. Report volunteer hours. Attend any required trainings.


Other than meeting great people, spending time on or near the Lake, and supporting the CSC, volunteers also earn one hour of free rentals for every two hours of service.

To Register

Complete the Volunteer Registration form. You will begin receiving bi-weekly Volunteer Opportunity emails. These include links to sign-up for volunteer shifts. At your first training or shift, you will complete a CSC liability waiver and read the Volunteer Expectations Agreement.

The Mates Program

Limited to 10 people, the Mates Program expectations and standards are different from those of a typical volunteer. The benefits match these increased expectations.


Commit to volunteering 25 hours from May-October. Included in those hours at least: 2 Rental Assistance shifts, 2 Outreach shifts and 1 Maintenance/Work Day shift and 1 Event Shift. Attend a mandatory orientation meetings. Attend any/all shifts you sign up for. Report volunteer hours.  Training for specific tasks will be conducted on an individual basis.


Other than meeting great people, spending time on or near the Lake, and supporting the CSC, Mates also earn unlimited free rentals, and receive course discounts (25% off all adult courses).

To Register

Complete the Volunteer Registration form below. After receiving your registration, we will contact you to arrange an orientation. You will begin receiving bi-weekly Volunteer Opportunity emails. These opportunities are first come first serve. Limited to 10 people. At Mates Training, you will complete a CSC liability waiver and read the Volunteer Expectations Agreement.

To Volunteer or Apply to the Mates Program:

1. Review the Volunteer Expectations.

2. Please fill out the Volunteer Registration form online.

For more information or to request an application, please contact Office Manager, Tilly Ettlinger at or call (802) 864-2499.