CSC McConnell Scholarship

This scholarship means everyone can afford to play on the lake.

Mike McConnell’s love for the lake inspired the scholarship fund in his name to support access to Lake Champlain for anyone in our community regardless of age, ability, race, religion, or economic circumstances.


2025 Scholarship application process

  1. Register for the scholarship application for Youth Programs or Adult Programs.  This is a $0 (no cost) offering in our store.
  2. You can then continue shopping and add your chosen camps into your cart through either our store or the website.  If you have already registered for a camp or program and want to apply for a scholarship, you can register for the scholarship application and complete the process through your account and we will tie it to your order.
  3. Upon checkout, you will be prompted to answer both Camper AND Scholarship related questions.
  4. You will be required to pay the full cost or balance on all camps or programs you are registering for, so you can wait to register until the scholarship has been applied.
  5. We will be in touch in regards to the final amount of scholarship awarded. Once you accept the amount, it will be applied to your account, and we will let you know what your remaining balance might be.

Remember:  If you have already registered for a camp or program and want to apply for a scholarship, you can register for the scholarship application and complete the process through your account and we will tie it to your order.

Scholarship rules and guidelines

  • The CSC is only able to provide partial scholarships.
  • The scholarship fund is limited and awards are given on a first come, first serve basis.
  • Scholarships must be submitted no later than one week prior to the class start date.

If you have any questions about the scholarship program please email or call our Program Director John Nagle at 802-864-2499


Diversity Access Initiative (DAI)

2025 will be CSC’s fifth year of proudly pioneering the initiative to provide campers between 11-15 who identify as BIPOC  a 100% fully paid and supported summer camp experience.  Through this initiative we aim to create new summer opportunities and recreation options for kids who come from diverse communities and families.

Importantly, this opportunity does not end after this summer!  The Community Sailing Center promises to provide full support to participants for up to 4 years for those who decide to continue their growth as sailors. This pathway goes from learning to sail, to racing in high school, to becoming a junior instructor.

Application process:

  • To apply for the Scholarship, please complete the Diversity Access Initiative Application linked here.
  • Our staff will follow up within a few days with next steps for registration.
  • If registration is not currently open, we will let you know when you can expect registration for the next season.

If you have any additional questions, mention the “Diversity Access Initiative” and please email or call (802) 864-2499.

If your family has previous attended camp with us or you’re a returning camper, please reach out directly.

DAI scholarship recipients will be awarded: 

  • One to two weeks of summer programming completely cost free
  • Fall & Spring Programming for intermediate & advanced sailors
  • Availability for early drop-off (starting at 8:00 am) and late pick-up (until 5:30 pm)
  • $30/week in transportation stipends to support all participants travel to and from our facility

Additional information is available below, just select your language!

English ~ عربي |Arabic ~ Français|French ~ नेपाली|Nepali ~ Soomaali|Somali ~ Español|Spanish

Diversity Access Initiative FAQs 

Translated Frequently Asked Questions

English ~ عربي |Arabic ~ Français|French ~ नेपाली|Nepali ~ Soomaali|Somali ~ Español|Spanish