2025 Program Overview:
Community Sailing Center’s Diversity Access Scholarship is for children ages 11-15 who identify as BIPOC to participate in summer camps. Our summer camps and youth programs are designed to teach kids the safety, skill, and joy involved in the life-long sport of sailing. Camps run Monday-Friday from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Participants can also opt-in to Early Drop Off and Late Pick Up, as well as a transportation stipend of $30 per week. Participants will start with our introductory camps and returning participants can work their way through our levels and other programs, including Middle School and High School Sailing.
Why is the CSC offering this program?
The CSC knows that Lake Champlain is one of our area’s greatest resources, but we recognize that both access to sailing and summer camps is a privilege not available to all families. In order to make a lasting change towards providing lake access and life lessons for all, our organization made a long term commitment to ensure that our staff, board and daily participants include different perspectives and voices. This is just one of many opportunities and outreach the CSC is making for the diverse youth and families in our community. If you’d like to hear more about our other efforts, you can read our Commitment to Change.
Why is the Diversity Access scholarship program designed to encompass multiple weeks and years? What is the end goal of this program?
Sailing is an exciting and transformative sport, but does require practice in order to hone one’s skills. If participants are newer to the sport, we want to set them up for success to continue sailing. The goal is to not only provide individuals an introduction to sailing, but also to encourage long term diversity in the future of sailing through our upper level courses, performance sailing, and junior instructor programs.
What if my camper participates for one year and does not want to continue?
We love sailing but we know that it is not for everyone. While the goal is for everyone to continue for multiple years, that will not be the case for everyone. Trying a new sport can be very challenging and rewarding. While not everyone will walk away a lifelong sailor, we hope they will walk away a lifelong lake lover.
What camps are available?
Campers start with Level I and/or Lake Adventure their first year, and can continue to progress through higher levels as they grow as sailors. Please note that this is not always a linear progression, and each camper will take their own path. Many campers will repeat certain levels in successive years to strengthen skills.
How many weeks should I sign up for?
We recommend first year sailors take one or two weeks of camp, depending on their interest and schedule. Returning campers tend to take a two-week camp plus Middle School or High School Sailing depending on their age and interests.
What programs are available as a first year camper?
First time scholarship recipients can take advantage of one or two weeks of camp. They can take one week of Level I (11-15), one week of Lake Adventure (11-15), or one of each. If applicants are unsure of the best fit for their child, our staff is available to discuss the options that suit their needs and interests. Descriptions of the camps are below.
Each camper will take their own path through our camps. As campers progress, our higher level camps do have prerequisites they will need to take first. We are happy to talk with you about the best camps for your camper and guide you through the progress.
Camp Descriptions
- Level I (11-15): Campers will learn the basics of rigging, points of sail, sailing maneuvers, safety and recovery in a safe, fun environment. Certified instructors lead a variety of land- and water-based activities designed to promote comfort and independence in the boat.
- Lake Adventure (11-15): This camp is designed for adventurers who love to play on the lake. We will explore Lake Champlain to the fullest from a variety of watercraft, including canoe/kayak excursions out to Lone Rock Point, paddleboarding to North Beach, and sailing adventures around Burlington Bay.
- Level II (12-16): This two-week long camp is a perfect follow up to the Level I (11-15) camp or an ideal choice for young sailors who are already comfortable with the basics. Following a review of nomenclature and basic rigging, safety, and sailing maneuvers, sailors will advance to on-the-water activities that consolidate existing skills and teach new ones. This is a two-week camp that runs Monday-Friday.
- Level III (12-16): This two-week long camp is the follow up to the Level II (12-16), which is a prerequisite. Building on the skills learned in Levels I and II, this camp will refine on-the-water and boat handling skills, and introduce advanced equipment racing skills and tactics. This is a two-week camp that runs Monday-Friday.
- Middle School Sailing: In the Spring, develop the skill to sail our 23' keelboats with a team of other middle school students. In the fall, we sail on two-handed 420 dinghies. Focus on sailing quickly and efficiently on each point of sail. An introduction to the fundamentals of sailboat racing while learning to independently sail keelboats. This program meets two days a week during after school hours. Grades: 6-8.
- Northern Vermont High School Sailing Team: The CSC coaches high school sailors from around the region through the Northern Vermont High School Sailing Team (NVHSST), each season offering young sailors the chance to develop their skills and compete throughout New England. The team is open to any student in good standing attending public, private, or home school in Chittenden and surrounding counties. The team practices together three days a week after school, with occasional weekend regattas at home or away. Grades 9-12.
Does the scholarship cover Early Drop Off and/or Late Pick Up?
Yes, participants may also apply the scholarship to extended day options. Early Drop Off starts at 8am everyday and Late Pick Up goes to 5:30pm everyday.
How can I get the transportation stipend?
The transportation stipend will be dispersed to participants via check, at $30 per camp week, after the camp. Participants will need to notify the CSC if they are interested in the stipend at registration.
I have multiple potential campers. Can they all participate!
Yes! Our camps run from ages 6-16. The Diversity Access Scholarship is open to any campers ages 11-15 who identify as BIPOC. Any campers outside of that will need to go through our general registration & scholarship process if needed. If you have multiple potential campers please let us know when you register and we can talk to you about options.
How do I sign up?
Participants must call the CSC at 802-864-2499 or email tilly@communitysailingcenter.org to sign up over the phone to register, as spots are limited and cannot be found on our online registration system.
Who do I contact with more questions?
Email tilly@communitysailingcenter.org or call (802) 864-2499